Below are my findings of my CT scan report, Mild left hydroureteronephrosis due to left VUJ calculus obstruction. Caculus of size measuring 5.0mm. Tiny (2.0mm) caculus seen in the upper pole of both kidneys. The kidneys shows normal sizes,shape,density and locations. The perinephric region, right ureter and test urinary bladder are unremakable. Mild splenomegaly seen measuring 15cm. No focal lesion seen. Hepatobiliary: The liver shows normal size, shapre and density with no evidence focal parenchymal lesion. There is no biliary tree dilation. The portal vein is unremakable. Gall bladder is unremakable. The Pancreas,visualized bowel loops, adrenal glands and retroperitoneum do not revel significant abnormality. No evidence of ascites / significant lymphadenopathy. The prostate is unremakable. The lung bases and visualised bones are unremakable.